"Ok you can stop now you are making my baby sick." Quinn to Rachel
Pronunciation of Hello Danese: Ell-OH Dah-Nez!
There a little Hispanic lady that cleans our building at work, I have no clue what her name is so me and my friend Ama call her Hello Danese. Why you may ask, well that is another long-drawn out story for later…
This story however is about the randomness of the Hello Danese… she always cleans the bathrooms around lunch, and she puts a sign out that says “CLOSED WOMAN CLEANING” ….even though she is cleaning the WOMEN’S RESTROOM. Why can’t I go in? what is so special that you need the privacy away from everyone? Is this wear you take your breaks? ---- Also 6 out of 9 times I go to the restroom she is in there, pooping! How do I know it is her, because she wears the same white, wal-mart sneakers everyday, how do I know she is pooping ---SHE CARRIES SPRAY!!!! Something else is once it is her lunch time it is HER lunch time, there was a day I was waiting for the microwave and she just jumped the line and put her stuff in there like she’d been standing there for 20 minutes (like I had) thank goodness someone was almost done with their food in the other microwave or HD would have gotten cut…. DO NOT GET IN BETWEEN A FAT GIRL AND HER FOOD --- PEOPLE HAVE DIED FOR LESS!!! Yes I do feel sorry for her that she chooses to eat her lunch in her broom closet (there are plenty of unused tables in the cafĂ© Danese) and yes I do admire her for being so regular, and I will but aside the fact that she has to wear a blue apron that looks like something a traffic guard would wear, but lady I do time for this company I track your time DO NOT sit on the steps waiting for your husband to come pick you up I know darn good and well you are still on the clock…. There is no point to this story just that I saw her again 2 times in the bathroom while I was trying to “meditate” ----- Hello Danese this goes to you ….if I get backed up from not being about to full-fill ultimate evacuation I am coming for you sister!!!!
A bunch of us used to always go to the beach for the summer holiday, Memorial Day, forth of July…etc. well this one time we were there it was a bunch of couples and this one guy named Brian. Brian decided he was going to go to a party at his cousin’s cabin on the other end of the beach while we stayed at our cabin and hung out. Several hours later a very drunk Brian stumbles back to the cabin talking about how the people at the party stole his keys. Jason and our friend John Michael being about as drunk as Brian decide to go over to that cabin and retrieve the keys. Me and John Michael’s wife Kristen stay back at the cabin so we can wait for the cops to call when they arrest these drunk fools.
Off they went, and me and Kristen waited and waited…finally about 45 minutes later they show back up and tell us this story…
So we walk in there and find that everyone is asleep so we John Michael starts to slap
People asking for the keys, while Brian and Jason are looking for them.
With no luck in finding the keys we head down stairs and load up the truck with all their
Ice and charcoal and get out of there with the quickness.
We all sorta laughed at the fact that they didn’t get their asses kicked for going over there and not getting caught for stealing all their ice and charcoal, in the morning when Brian went back over to the cabin to get his truck and keys the people told him they didn’t want him driving in his condition and that is why they took his keys. Brian made it sound like he was jumped and the keys were stolen and all hell had broken loose, but alas his cousin was just trying to be considerate and care for drunk ass with no sense. The bright side of this story is we didn’t have to go to the store, since we were plenty stocked up on ice and charcoal.
One night me, Jason, my friend Rikki and her husband Ben were all out at the bowling alley, we were gonna do Karaoke and have some beers. Shawn and KK another couple ended up meeting us out there a little later. Rikki and I always liked to perform Ike and Tina’s Proud Mary for karaoke, and tonight would be no exception. We get up there and I start the talking part “you know sometimes you like to hear something from us nice and easy….”
A girl that we did not know came up and started talking to Rikki; apparently she wanted to sing with us….
1. Me and Rikki have a routine down with dancing so we really don’t like for others to be up here while we sing and
2. We signed up, we waited …no you can not sing!!!!
Rikki tells her that she would have to talk to me, and then the girl smarts off to Rikki saying “who is she your manager?” (Strike 1)
Rikki tells her “yeah that is my manager” and then the girl comes up to me.
“can I sing with y’all?
“no” was my response
“yeah really …we got this”
She takes off and starts talking shit to her friend (strike 2) shortly after this both girls walk up to us and the girls friend stands in between me and the karaoke monitor where the words pop up. (Strike 3) Rikki starts dancing and I start swinging, one girl I punch after she punched me in the nose and she flew to the ground that is when Rikki jumped on her and people started screaming the cops wanted to talk to us… Rikki gets pulled off and me and her walk out to talk to the cops …Shawn ran to the bathroom where Jason and Ben had been the whole time, so they missed everything. They walk out and see there girlfriend and wife talking to the cops. The cop asked me what happened and I said “we just wanted to sing”
They let us go right after the guys came up telling us to go out the front and the other girls to go out the side. We then all went to Rikki and Ben’s to talk about what exactly happened …the guys were confused and we had to let them know what went down. Ever since then I don’t really perform that song anymore, I was lucky to not get arrested or worse…you can’t trust people and I’m definitely too old to be getting in bar fights