The summer of 2007 was a hot one, but Jason, our friend Ted, and I decided to buy tickets to Oz Fest in San Antonio, TX. We decided to head up Friday morning and come back Sunday afternoon, the concert was on Saturday and it was an all day event.
Ted comes to pick us up and we hit the road, San Antonio is about 300 miles away so we had a ways to go. Our Hotel was directly across the street from the Alamo and walking distance from the River walk, so we were stoked, not to mention it was allegedly haunted! We get to the hotel about noon-ish (which is too early to check in) so we decide to valet the car get a beer and go to the river walk and have a look around. Before coming up here I did my research which is how we knew about the haunted hotel, I also found a really cool night club from a website that was on the river walk named Poly Ester’s it was a three story club the 1st floor is the hits of today 2nd story is 90’s music, 3rd story is 80’s, so I was positive we would go there this night. We get to the river walk and grab a bite to eat at Dick’s ---- this is a restaurant that strives on the waiters being dicks--- they are supposed to be rude to you forget stuff and yada yada, well unfortunately the service we had at Dick’s was probably the best service I’d have in a restaurant in years, they should consider changing the name to Not-a-Dick’s, the silliest thing that happened was a waiter rolling silverware was singing obnoxiously to a Pearl Jam song and another guy was throwing spit balls at people, but definitely not dick-like behavior at all. After lunch we walked and shopped a bit and decided we would go back and check in to the hotel. Once we took a small break and get settled we walked back to the river walk, there were happy hour specials EVERYWHERE … one place had buy one appetizer get 2 margaritas or beer of your choice free, yes we had already eaten, but we didn’t care ----BRING ON THE BOOZE! We also made a silent pact that we would go to each different “themed” bar for instance there was a British Pub that we found to be enjoyable, there was also an Irish pub that had a sing-a-long, and we hit up the sports bar too. By this time our friend Forrest had made it into town, he was also coming with us to Oz fest and since he was coming in from Louisiana we chose not to wait for him, but we had to let him in the room, so we take another little break and wash up get dressed so we can head out clubbing…. Jason and Ted decide they are going to wear their sunglasses all night “the sun never sets on the cool” is what they kept saying the entire time. Forrest called up a buddy who lives in SA so we were to meet him in the hotel bar, there was a bartender that told us about all the ghost sightings in the hotel and totally freaked us out, so after one drink there we hauled ass back to the British bar (it was too early to head to the club, but not early enough for some bar time. About 9 or so we head over to Poly Ester’s Forrest, his friend, Jason and Ted (in their sunglasses) and Me. We get there and have a BLAST the 1st floor was like a regular club cool lights and playing hip top 40 songs of 2007, 2nd floor was all 90’s played Unbelievable, Madonna, Mili Vanili, and tons of other great 90’s music one main thing I saw was this white Bronco in the middle of the floor near the bar, and on the tv screens they kept showing footage of the OJ Simpson run-down it was amazing, 3rd floor was my ABSOLUTE favorite though, they were playing all sorts of 80’s music and it looked like the 80’s vomited in this club, they had Culture club pictures, Michael Jackson memorabilia the list absolutely goes on and on…we would dance in once section until there was a song we didn’t like or couldn’t dance to then hit the next floor we were up and down all night. Finally Jason hollers at us “come on its last call!” so Me, him and Ted head back to the hotel. We walk toward the hotel and Jason says “I gotta pee, let’s walk to the Alamo and I’ll pee on it”
Me: ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! You can pee on me before you pee on the Alamo…
As I say this in my drunken, worn out stupor Ted trips and nearly bust his ass from laughing so hard at what I said….”Dude, she said you could pee on her!”
Me: “no no I mean DO NOT pee on the Alamo” *note to self* think before speaking even when drunk.
So we head to the room Ted hops in the shower and Jason decides he wants to go ghost hunting,
OH OH I almost forgot, this was the moment I realized by looking at the clock near the table that
Jason can’t tell time it wasn't 2:00 it was only 1:00 …yeah we could
Have still been out at the club!
so me and him head down the long quiet hallway that lead to nowhere… this hotel was weird the hallways were long and creaky and had random little side hallways that lead to exit doors, but I wasn’t quite sure where the exit doors lead to, it was creepy to say the least. Right there in the middle of the hallway was a small table with a book on it Jason decided he would turn to one page and come check the book later to see if anyone or thing had tampered with it.
Jason “remember Chesapeake 121”
Me “what is that?”
Jason “the section the book is on, I will come check it later.
So we walk a while and I get scare…I mean bored and we head back to the room…we get there and Ted is passed out, so I hop in the shower, Jason decides he is going to go and check the book. Before I know it the door to the bathroom swings open and Jason is in the bathroom with me…
Me “what…. Calm down maybe someone walked by and we didn’t see them.
Jason “no there was no one, I’m gonna dead bolt the door”
So after calming him down and finishing our showers we hop in bed it is about 2:30 or so, all of a sudden someone opens the door but is stopped by the fact that the dead bolt is on, so all we hear is a BOOM
Jason “it’s the ghost!!!!”
Me “Calm down Shaggy don’t go get the mystery machine just yet …it is only Forrest, you locked him out!”
So Jason lets Forrest in and we head get to sleep……
To be continued….