when we woke up Saturday we all had small hangovers from the night of partying on the river walk, so we all decide to go eat breakfast at Denny's ...that is where Forrest wondered off to at 1:30 in the morning and he told us it was right up the block. We all get ready and head up the street to the Denny's that is right on the corner! Yeah about 20 minutes later we finally see the Denny's that was located about 10 blocks up and 6 blocks left from the hotel, we get there/get a seat and we are leaving Forrest disappears AGAIN we need to get this fool a leash, so we take off and leave him and walk ALL the way back to the hotel. At the hotel Forrest finally comes in saying sorry guys I had to take a shit! REALLY in and out right there at the Denny's ...couldn't even wait to take the walk back to the hotel ....what a colon, anyway we get ready and call for the car, this is where I remember I didn't pack any sun block, so Ted tells me we will find a Wal-greens or a Wal-mart and pick some up on the way to the venue where the concert would be (which was about 30 minutes away from San Antonio)
We find the venue and turnaround in order to find us all some sun block, like I said before it was a HOT one.... We drove everywhere and the only store we saw that might carry sun block was a convenient store that wasn't very convenient.... it was like a ghetto want to be Buccee's without the jerky...they had a lot, but no sun block! We decided after wasting an hour or so on the great search for sun block that we would go to the concert and see if they had it there (I have been to festival-type concerts that had booths with that kind of stuff at it) once we arrive and park we see and ungodly line of people about 3 miles long...since it was Oz Fest everyone was wearing black so I was sure not jealous of them. I on the other hand wasn't wearing a stitch of black hell I could have been going to the mall or an NSYNC concert for all these people knew. About 30 minutes later we end up at the front and get inside we head to the first stage to see some band and I start to realize I'm getting sun burnt. there is no stopping it the sun is horrendous and showing no mercy at all. After that band stops we head to the souvenirs section to look for sun block ---none, so I buy a big Japanese umbrella and use it to block the sun (the guys picked on me for buying it, but when we all sat down to rest the guys were all sitting in front of me so the sun would be blocked by my umbrella--- douches
it was almost time for Lamb of God and Ozzy to come on so we headed to our seats, Jason and I ended up getting a sweet upgraded seat closer to the stage and Ted and Forrest got pit upgraded seats. Jason and I's seats were awesome no one was around us we could spread out and rest while we watched the bands. Let me back up a bit, we all know my fascination with the bowel movement, well after eating the Denny's in the morning and then for lunch the festival had a Hooter's van out there serving up wings and stuff, I started to feel the poops coming on, so right as Static X (yummy Wayne Static) started to play I high-tail it to the bathroom to drop the deuce! It was the most awful thing I could ever produce...I know I've said I can't do this in public, but when the intensity is at death-con 5 you gotta go gotta go, so after I'm done I head back to watch the rest of the show and I feel like a million bucks.... after Lamb of God we were all getting hungry so we decided to skip Ozzy and head back to the hotel it was damn near 10:00pm already and we had been out at the venue since 10:00 that morning.
We get back to the hotel get showers and we all start to see how red we all got, everyone is rocking a nice farmers tan for sure. We all are beat from the intense day of metal music and hot sun pounding on us that we go to the first Mexican restaurant that is open we grub and go straight back to the room...there is no way with the way that we felt at that precise moment we would be doing any partying on this night especially with the long drive home tomorrow so we go back to the room and crash....
PS the picture above is the guys with my umbrella, "the sun never sets on the cool"
to be concluded....
Denny's is the shit! no pun intended..
ReplyDeleteOne of my worst sunburns ever.
Lamb of God FTW!