You can say I was raised in a Theatre, my sister has always worked in one and every summer I would go and stay with her. While visiting I would get free range of any movie I would like to see, so going to the movies alone or seeing multiple movies in one day is not something new to me. I decided to go to the movies yesterday as my Sunday-Funday and picked two movies I had been dying to see:
1) The Help staring Emma Stone,
This movie is about a young writer that just graduated from college and comes back to live with her sick mother, while trying to decide what she wants to do with her life. She stumbles upon and idea to write a book in the eyes of the black house-maids that all the family’s in this time have. They find themselves dealing with racism and segregation and have to find the courage to go on and get this book out and their point across. The movie was funny, witty, and very classy…. There are ways I think these sorts of movies are done to be “tacky” where every thing involved is too stereotypical, but this was not the case in The Help. This movie literally made me laugh and cry it would be the perfect movie for a mom and daughter or a group of girls like a “girl’s night” to go to. I am not going to say guys will like it…there were guys in the theatre I saw it in, but I know my boyfriend wouldn’t have liked it (let me rephrase that: I don’t think my boyfriend would have paid to see it)
This movie is based on a book, and I have not read it, but the movie did make me want to go to Barnes and Noble and get it today.
Since I am used to seeing movies for free, I always determine whether or not a movie is good by asking myself, “would you pay for this?” or Lord forbid “would you ask for your money back?” that’s right I would ask for my money back even if I hadn’t paid---not because I’m greedy, but because if your movie is THAT terrible I’m gonna need you to pay me to watch it.
So would I pay for this? Absolutely… I would probably watch it again if asked to go.
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