Sunday, February 28, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Last Friday night was the one year anniversary of Jason moving in with me and to honor and congratulate him for dealing with me for a long 12 months, I decided to take him out on a “date night”

We started at a nice Sushi Restaurant called Tokyo’s they have a hibachi grill and everything, we get there and wait for our friends Shawn and Kaleena to arrive (there was some miscommunication as to this being a “date night” and they sort of got invited, but that is ok the more the merrier) so once they arrive we get seated and wait for the show…. We eat and drink and eat some more, then decide where to go to next.

Shawn suggest the strip club which is always fun so why not? We get there and go inside an hour or so go by and they do what they call their “Showtime” 2 lap dances and a shirt for the price of one lap dance ---can’t be beat, so I say I never had one and Jason offers to buy it for me as my anniversary present. I pick a girl that is kind of 50’s style with a big red flower in her hair, we saw her dance once and she was a cutie. Jason gets her attention and we head to the VIP section:

Stripper: ok you get two dances we can split it up or just give you the two.

Kara: awe lets share the wealth

Stripper: ok but I have to warn you I rather dance for girls it’s less creepy

We sit down on this couch and chit chat, she tells me about her family, and that she graduated from college with a bachelor’s in Business, but she only has to work 3 days a week here so it helps with her having a 10 mos. Old baby at home…so forth and so on

Then out of no where she gets naked and says:

Stripper: my motto is if you have what I have I don’t care if you touch

Kara: Alrighty then …good deal

She starts dancing and tells me about how she is on weight watchers and asked how long Jason and I have been together, then she cusses him out for not putting a ring on this finger and making me an honest girl: (she said cuss words that even made my sailor mouth blush)

Then we start to joke around with her and just shoot the shit… it was really cool/she was a cool chick.

Before I knew it my song was over and she asked Jason if he wanted the other one or should she give it to me.

He said give it to her (apparently he was having more fun watching) so second song comes on and we bullshit again. Talking about Facebook and chain smoking and more weight watchers stuff! It was like I was chit chatting with an old friend, once it was all over and we went back to the table I realized she said she’d been dancing since she was 19 she’d been in the business for 6 years which only made her 25 years old WHAT A BABY!!! But hey she works hard for her money and she got a fan out of me and Jason.


  1. Glad you had a positive experience. Last time I had a lap dance I had my skirt pulled over my head (in front of all my friends and the entire strip club!) and my thonged ass slapped. Then during the dance she put her head under my skirt and give it a lil lick. And that's all I want to say about that.
