Thursday, March 11, 2010

Childhood Stories .....

As I’ve said before in other stories I was “like” an only child, due to the fact that my sister and brother were so much older then me 17 years to be exact, so my childhood involved me and my imagination here are a couple of little stories about me as a kid that would probably make your parent send you to a psychiatrist:

1. Valley Girl Days:

When I was about 7 or so one of my favorite movies was Valley Girl staring Nicolas Cage: this was like a rated R movie, but my mom didn’t think anything about me watching these movies as long as I didn’t hurt myself and stayed out of trouble I was ok. One of the characters in the movie was Tommy the ex boyfriend, well according to my sister I had a tennis racket that I would call Tommy and he was my boyfriend.

2. Speaking of Tennis Rackets:

Me and Ashley (my Barbie buddy) would act like we were the Judds and I would use a tennis racket as my guitar.

3. Adventures in Babysitting:

One of my other all time favorite movies was Adventures in Babysitting I would pretend that I was Sarah from the show (the little girl that believes in Thor) and the cushions from out couch would be all the other characters.

4. Acting Out

There was a group of neighborhood kids that would get together and “act” we couldn’t “pretend” or “play” because my friend Christina who was a year older then everyone was too old to “play” or “pretend” we always had to “act” well we would either play in my backyard or in the driveway of an old couple from down the street, we would “act” one of the following Dark wing Duck which was us being the characters of the cartoon, Power Rangers again us being characters from the TV show, Restaurant, Singled Out (based on the game show on MTV, or house.

5. A little TLC

Me, Ashley and Christina used to pretend we were TLC and sing their songs in my living room.

6. Magnets

Before I was going to big school like pre-kindergarten my mom would watch soap operas in the living room and I would sit in the kitchen watching Today’s Special and Muppet Babies on the small 2 inch black and white tv we had in there, I would go to the fridge and play school or house with the magnets. My mom had tons so I would use then like people and make them talk to each other and play and such.

These are just a few of the things I did to past time as a child, I had friends but sometimes you just want to do some solo activities. If you are a parent and your kid experiences any of these activities … don’t fret… they just might turn out like me… you just have to decide if that is a good thing or a bad thing

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