Thursday, August 25, 2011

House of Shock

There is an attraction in New Orleans called the House of Shock; it has been featured on the travel channel as being one of the scariest horror houses in the United States. On that note we (Jason, Forrest, one of his friends (her name leaves me at this moment, and me)
Decide to go to it *thumbs up (sarcastically)*
It is Halloween night (Sunday) and the New Orleans Saints have just defeated the Pittsburg Steelers so this is going to be an insane trip (to say the least) we walk up and the house is literally under the overpass so you see cars driving overhead---we get our tickets and stand in this hellaious line (you don’t just walk in to the HoS there is a pre-show). While waiting we see characters from inside come and “mingle” with the people, so of course there are people already peeing themselves with fear, at this point I’m fine, nothing too big or shocking (no pun intended). After a good 15 minute wait the pre-show starts, this is a show explaining the HoS with fire and demons and explosions’ –Oh My—it wasn’t too shabby (except considering the Saints won the football game some people broke character, but if you had never seen the show you probably wouldn’t have even noticed. After the pre-show we all start walking in----I think because it was Halloween and there was a ton of people there to go thru the house they didn’t split anyone up into groups they just let us go.
There was a guy in front of us that Jason sort of became buddies with he explained we had never been here and if we acted like pussies to not laugh. The guy was really cool and said “dude, when we get in here we are all family” we start walking in and it is pretty creepy, I was holding on to Jason so tightly I couldn’t be scared (especially because if anyone jumped out, screamed at, or messed with anyone it was Jason or our new buddy in front of us) we twist and turn thru these narrow hallways of scariness and all of a sudden Gumby popped out (this is what we get for going on halloween) it was more about having fun and enjoying Halloween instead of the seriousness of scariness, or so I thought. As soon as we get to the end the buddy in front of us warns there is a chain-link fence maze with a chain saw man you just gotta run of it. Excuse me ---check please, I don’t necessarily “do” chain saw men, but considering I’ve invested a good hour into this maze of creepiness I should just venture forward. We get to the end and this was the first time me and Jason broke apart mainly because we were trying to get the hell out of dodge, there wasn’t one chain saw man---there was more like 40 (or at least that is what I remember in my (do I pee myself or run) phase) I don’t remember how but we got out this was after you would go one way and someone would come running toward you “WRONG WAY, WRONG WAY” once out I thought I was tuff shit “it wasn’t that bad..blah blah blah” but yeah… don’t think I’d go in that place by myself or without my shield Jason ----not gonna happen.

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