Thursday, October 7, 2010

I'm Back....did you miss me?

Yeah I know it’s been a while, get over it--- I am back and ready to write. This entry will be the, what I’ve done while I’ve been gone story.

In May me and Jason went on a grown up vacation (where we were gone for a week not just a long weekend trip) we went to Florida and had a blast.

We started out going to New Orleans for a couple of days, then headed out to Florida where we stayed in Orlando and went to Disney World, while in Orlando we caught “Blue Man Group” and Universal City walk, then headed to Cocoa and Daytona beach for a day. On our way back we stopped in Mississippi to visit our friend Forrest then headed on back to Texas. It was a great trip and don’t worry I WILL elaborate on it later. While I’ve been gone I’ve started going back to school. I am taking some online courses right now at the local community College, but will transfer after receiving my associates in Arts and Business to the big University to finish my bachelor’s in finance or accounting (still deciding) Me and Jason just celebrated 7 years together and we are still rolling along strong, I will be turning 29 soon and can’t wait ---28 was a blast and 29 shouldn’t be that shabby either.

I guess since we are talking about birthday’s I will tell you a little story about a b-day celebration I had about 5 years ago … we will call it the “big girl rides bull debacle” 5 years ago I was homeless. Hurricane Rita demolished my family’s house and we were in the looks for a new one/waiting on insurance money to come in, I would stay at different friend’s houses and pretty much gypsy myself around town (this part really has nothing to do with the story just that I want you all to know 1) I was homeless…feel sorry for me and 2) I was staying at my friend Dana’s house) So me, Dana, her sister Amy and her friend Kathy (we will name her Kathy since I do not remember her name) were all getting ready to go out to “The Street” this is a place where there are several little clubs and pubs in a row that the kids like to hang out, all of my friends were meeting us out there to club hop. So we get ready and mosey down to The Street, the deal was Amy who was only 18 at the time would be our DD but the first place we went was 21 and up so me, being me had to go and have a one on one with the bouncer…

Me: so I have like 20 to 40 people coming in here and I would like for our DD to be able to come in here.

Bouncer: how old is she?

Me: 18

Bouncer: well she can come in but I’m putting large X’s on her hands and she can’t drink anything, no water, coke, or juice out of a glass.

Me: that is perfect put the X’s on her and if she gets thirsty we will make her drink out of the sink in the bathroom!

The bouncer marks Amy’s hand and then we are in.

Everyone shows up and we stay there for a couple ---more like a few--- no no lets say what it really was a dozen or so drinks, then we all decide we wanna go get our dance on so head over to this country club that plays a little bit of everything, but they are still a “country club” (not like golf club, like club that plays Country music) I being completely wasted decide “hey they have a mechanical bull, I’m gonna ride it!” So I get some money from Jason and go climb under this fence- barrier thing to go to the mechanical bull, I’m pretty sure I cut like 20 people, but this was the time I was gonna get my ride on! I go to the guy who looked like he weighted about 120lbs soak and wet and gave him my money he then walks with me to the bull and gets on one knee like he is proposing, he then slaps the knee that isn’t on the ground and says “hop on”

Now I’m a big girl and double this guy’s size and he wants my fat ass to “hop on” I just give him a look like you crazy… he smiles and says “hop on”

Whatever dude that is your knee….so I hop on

Dude: You ready

Me: yeah

Dude: hold on and put one arm up for balance

Me: ok

The bull starts and the front end goes straight up I apparently screamed (I don’t remember) because he stops and says

Dude: you ok?

Me: yeah

He starts the bull again and this time the front goes down and the back goes up and I fall head first off the front of this thing, right on to the mat. I don’t remember too much after this moment just that when I woke up I felt like I’d been kicked in the crotch and to my surprise I had a bruise on my FUPA (fat upper P**** area) that was the color of a purple squash, I do have to say that was the first and last time I would ever attempt to ride a bull mechanical or not!


  1. OMG I'm FUCKING rolling over here!!! FUPA!!

  2. HAHAHAHA it is such a classy statement :) FUPA so grown up
