Sunday, February 7, 2010

This one time at the Strip Club...

So Friday night we met with some good friends at Hooters for some wings and beer, as we were leaving I jokingly said to Jason

“Hey we should go to the strip club.”

Jason: “are you serious?”

Kara: Sure why not as long as you pay I’m good.

Jason: Ok don’t lie to me, because I’m taking this exit to stop and get some cash.

Kara: fine let’s do it.

We stop to get money then head over to the strip club, we walk, Jason pays our cover 10.00 a piece, then we find a seat and enjoy the show, and here are some of the strippers we saw:

· One was a little on the “nugget” size (short midget-esque character) with a maid outfit on (how cliché) anytime she would come by Jason would scream and say she is just so creepy! I asked him if he was afraid she would try to take him to the lollipop guild, and confirmed that this was in fact the issue.

· There was another that was in a BRIGHT neon orange bikini and had platinum blonde hair, she also had the skin color of a football…lets just say her “day job” must be at a tanning salon….we nicknamed her Fraggle, she was the one that when she took her top off she was so dark we couldn’t see her boobs.

· Another one resembled Kate Goslin, from John and Kate plus 8 and she literally swayed on the stage, kicked one leg and stood on the stage JUST STOOD, she had absolutely no interest in being there or she was so doped up she didn’t know she was working there.

· Finally there was a girl that was wearing a bikini but the border of it was cleverly made out of measuring tape? (Did I say Cleverly, I meant tackily—if that is even a word) when Jason went to the stage to tip her he realized he recognized her from somewhere, he just didn’t know where…by the end of the night he figured it must have been high school and that they were in the band together.

All and all we had a great time, but strangely we were more interested in the videos they played on the side screen while the girls dance. I don’t know if that makes us old or just really into Beyonce’ and Lady Gaga (that seemed to be pretty much the only thing the girls danced to. I must say in conclusion the crop this year is very talented…minus the few I named above the other girls were not only cute but also very acrobatic: flipping over bars and swinging around the pole with the greatest of ease, it was the best $10.00 I never spent.


  1. The strippers in Beaumont are the absolute worst I've ever seen. Unless you have a strechmark, c-section scar, floppy boob loving mommy fetish, I guarantee you won't get your $'s worth.
    We need to haul ass to H-Town one night and hit Heartbreakers or something similarily uspscale. Now those bitches are worth the $!

  2. awe...never been to an H-town strip club... we will have to check that out
